
The Scarlet Letter

The Scarlet Letter
Автор: Hawthorne Nathaniel
Издательство: Т8
Год выпуска: 2018
ISBN: 978-5-521-07764-9
Наличие: Ограниченное количество
890 р.
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Nathaniel Hawthorne was an American novelist, a dark romantic, and short story writer. Set in seventeenth-century Massachusetts, Hawthorne's The Scarlet Letter was originally subtitled "a romance," though its themes include the limits of law, the power of religion, and the nature of sin. The red letter "A" on her dress marks young mother Hester Prynne among her Puritan neighbors, who demand to know who fathered her child. Rumors swirl, but the shunned and shamed Hester keeps her secret for years, until a guilt-ridden confession reveals the truth, with unexpected consequences.

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