
Roald Dahl Creative Writing with James and the Giant Peach. How to Write Phenomenal Poetry

Roald Dahl Creative Writing with James and the Giant Peach. How to Write Phenomenal Poetry
Автор: Dahl Roald
Издательство: Puffin
Год выпуска: 2020
ISBN: 9780241384626
Наличие: На складе
666 р.
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Discover limericks, narrative poems, acrostics and haiku! Use poetic language with James and his insect friends. These fun activities and writing tasks help to develop language and vocabulary skills, giving you the tools you need to write your own story. Learn how to write with rhythm and rhyme, and practise performing your very own poems. Roald Dahl's Creative Writing sparks creativity, builds confidence and inspires young writers through the wonderful worlds of these best-loved stories. Filled with top tips and ideas boxes, each book introduces techniques and methods to help you plan and write a phizz-whizzing story of your own!

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