
Maisy's Shop. With a pop-out play scene!

Maisys Shop. With a pop-out play scene!
Автор: Cousins Lusy
Издательство: Walker Books
Год выпуска: 2019
ISBN: 9781406385953
Наличие: Ограниченное количество
1198 р.
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Maisy is going shopping. What will she put in her trolley? This brilliant board book includes a bonus pop-up and play scene featuring pop-out pieces of Maisy and her friends, ideal for imaginative play. Today, Maisy is going shopping! Join Maisy and Panda on a trip to the supermarket, where they find a trolley and pick out bread, cheese and vegetables. After they go down every aisle it’s time to pay, and then home for lunch! This brilliant board book from author-illustrator Lucy Cousins includes a bonus pop-up and play scene, featuring pop-outs of beloved characters Maisy and Ella, plus a till point and basket full of delicious foods! Ideal for imaginative play and helping little ones learn about a trip to the supermarket.

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