
Help Your Kids with English

Help Your Kids with English
Автор: Vorderman Carol
Издательство: Dorling Kindersley
Год выпуска: 2013
ISBN: 9781409314943
Наличие: Ограниченное количество
2223 р.
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If English is sounding like a foreign language, make it easy and effortless with the ultimate study guide. This visual reference book takes you through all the different parts of the English language, leaving you ready to help your children tackle the trickiest of subjects. Carol Vorderman's unique study aid encourages parents and children to work together as a team to understand and use all aspects of the English language, including grammar, punctuation, and spelling. This latest title in the best-selling Help Your Kids series combines pictures, diagrams, instructions, and examples to cover the components of the school syllabus, while building knowledge, boosting confidence, and aiding understanding. With your support, children can overcome the challenges of English, leaving them calm, confident, and exam ready.

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