
Gargo 069

Gargo 069
Издательство: Т8
Год выпуска: 2020
ISBN: 978-5-00153-037-4
Наличие: На складе
510 р.
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In the last days of the Third Reich, Hitlers astrologer gives rise to a secret operation to transport... the souls of Hitler and Eva Braun. They will remain in a secret shelter until young bodies are found for "relocation". And... a new round of conquering world domination will begin. Hitler, deprived of his soul, gives an ominous order — to flood the Berlin subway. This terrible sacrifice is necessary to maintain the existence of Hitler's soulless body. Meanwhile, the bodies of Hitler and Eve intend to «hook up» psychics from the CIA. And on the way of the cargo "069" there are psychics of the Russian GRU who will not allow rewriting the bloody history.

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