

Автор: Peyton K. M.
Издательство: Oxford
Год выпуска: 2016
ISBN: 978-0-19-272003-0
Наличие: Ограниченное количество
942 р.
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If you love a good story, then look no further. Oxford Children's Classics bring together the most unforgettable stories ever told. They're books to treasure and return to again and again. Christina is sent to live with her uncle in his country house, Flambards, and knows from the moment she arrives that she'll never fit in. Her uncle is fierce and domineering and her cousin, Mark, is selfish - but despite all this, Christina discovers a passion for horse-riding and finds a true friend in Will. What Christina has yet to realize, though, is the important part she has to play in the future of this strange household...

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