
Deadeye Dick

Deadeye Dick
Автор: Vonnegut Kurt
Издательство: Harper Collins UK
Год выпуска: 2019
ISBN: 9780008264321
Наличие: Ожидается
1330 р.
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Rudy Waltz hasn't had it easy. After accidentally committing manslaughter at the age of twelve, the traumas life continued to throw at him seemed almost inconsequential. Now fifty-four, an expat living in Haiti, he's reliving the harrowing moments of his life that have left him in his current disillusioned state. But perhaps his ancestors, among them a father who was an unwitting patron of Adolf Hitler, have predestined him for the mad life he's lead. In Deadeye Dick Vonnegut expertly probes the ties between generations, and questions the conventional notions of morality.

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